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Publication - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Table of Contents. Dissertation Procedure After the completion of the thesis, the PhD candidate has to apply for the admission to the doctoral examination. The written application for admission to doctoral examination has to be submitted to the following address: Studiendekan für Informatik Institut für Informatik Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Goldschmidtstr, find dissertation online göttingen. DOCX 5 A separate curriculum vitae which indicates the scientific development of the candidate either in German or English.
Since the find dissertation online göttingen regulations dictate the printed copies of the thesis have to contain the author's CV, it is recommended to directly include it in the thesis, find dissertation online göttingen, too. The deanship decides on the admission to the doctorate procedure. The applicants will receive a written answer about the admission to the doctoral examination.
If an external examiner is supposed to be a member of the examination board, the candidate needs to hand in a formal request Template. The disputation takes place as colloquium in German or English language chaired by the head of the examination board.
At least two thirds of the members of the examination board must be present, including the two thesis find dissertation online göttingen. The dissertation defence consists of the following:. All documents, templates and regulations for the GAUSS programme can be found on the GAUSS website.
The thesis has to be published according to the PCS regulationsi. before the thesis can be published, the PhD candidate needs to get the signed revision slip for the final version of the thesis, approved by the thesis referee. The thesis can be published in the following manner:. According to the regulations for the publication of the dissertation the printed copies of the dissertation have to contain the author's curriculum vitae.
This is not required for the electronic copy of the thesis, find dissertation online göttingen. More details about the current regulations for the publication of PhD thesis can be obtained from the doctorate examination office. Title page of dissertation Revision certificate Certificates Depending on the awarded degree PhD or Dr. and language English or German the Find dissertation online göttingen candidate will obtain a corresponding degree certificate.
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Admission to the Doctoral Examination The written application for admission to doctoral examination has to be submitted to the following address: Studiendekan für Informatik Institut für Informatik Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Goldschmidtstr. c statement whether the candidate has previously applied for a doctoral degree at another university d statement whether the candidate is already a PhD candidate at another university The deanship decides on the admission to the doctorate procedure.
Disputation The disputation takes place as colloquium in German or English language chaired by the head of the examination board. The dissertation defence consists of the following: The candidate presents the dissertation results in a larger scientific context: a talk of maximum 30 minutes.
Afterwards related questions with committee members will be discussed. The overall duration of the dissertation defence will be at most 90 minutes.
Regulations for the Ph. D-Programme in Computer Science PCS Under the following link the PCS regulations are listed. Publication of the Thesis and PhD Certificates Publication The thesis has to be published according to the PCS regulationsi. The thesis can be published in the following manner: online via the Electronic Dissertations at the SUB printed version According to the regulations for the publication of the dissertation the printed copies of the dissertation have to contain the author's curriculum vitae.
Admission cover letter for doctorate examinations Template. See checklist for PhD students based on the requirements of the PCS regulations. which indicates the scientific development of the candidate either in German or English. Signed statementsas follows Template, find dissertation online göttingen. a statement of authorship assuring that the thesis has been made independently and without unauthorised assistance b binding confirmation that the digital version of the thesis matches with the written version of the thesis.
c statement whether the candidate has previously applied for a doctoral degree at another university d statement whether the candidate is already a PhD candidate at another university.
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Before you publish your thesis, your supervisor has to sign the revision certificate (English, German) on behalf of the members of your doctoral thesis committee. There is the option to publish the thesis electronically via the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) PLAGIARISM FREE. We have zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism and every custom essay written by our essay writers is scanned through turnitin and checked by our quality department I had looked into many tutoring services, but they weren't affordable and did not understand my custom-written needs.'s services, on the other
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