Saturday, November 27, 2021

Online dissertations and theses by david madsen

Online dissertations and theses by david madsen

online dissertations and theses by david madsen

Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; The following is a list of the final theses and projects they completed to earn their degrees. David Randell () Legal Issue Guide for Natural Hazards Planning. Madsen, Jeremy () Forest Activists and Place-Based Collaborations for National Forest Management in We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more

Completed Master’s Theses and Projects | Environmental Studies Program

The following is a list of the final theses and projects they completed to earn their degrees. Laura Johnson Thesis: Understanding Freshwater Mussel Distribution, Abundance, and Demography in the South Umpqua River Basin, Oregon: Impacts of Land Use and Stream Hydraulics. Kaelyn Polick-Kirkpatrick Thesis: Prisons in the Wildlands: A Critical Look into the Historical Development and Implications of California Conservation Camps.

Pravin, online dissertations and theses by david madsen, Avni Thesis: Environmental Justice and Flood Adaptation: A Spatial Analysis of Flood Mitigation Projects in Harris County, Texas. Elderbrock, Evan Thesis: Revealing Promising Pathways for Increasing Urban Ecosystem Services: An Approach Combining Stakeholder Priorities with Ecosystem Service Quantification, online dissertations and theses by david madsen.

Wyant, Jordan Thesis: The Exclusive Frontier: Whiteness and the Settler Imagination in Last Child in the Woods. Upraity, Aakash Nath Thesis: Understanding Public Perceptions to Carnivores: Examining Communities in Upper Mustang, Nepal. Crnkovich, Erin Thesis: GMO: Friend or Foe?

An Analysis of the GMO Debate with Special Focus on India. Blount, Keyyana Thesis: Land Use Effects on Carbon Cycling in Oregon Coastal Wetlands.

Willingham, Andrea Terminal Project: Swimming Upstream: Story Mapping Knowledge, Salmon, and Climate Change in Cordova, Alaska. Dinan, Emily-Bell Terminal Project: Developing an Illustrated Field Guide of Willamette Valley Wetland Prairie Plants.

Pruch, Jared Thesis: How Do Conservation Land Trusts Come to Embrace Agriculture? A Case Study from Oregon. Hishida, Kassandra Terminal Project: School Gardens and Food Justice: Cultivation a Critical Curriculum. Dreher, Nicholas Growing Relationships: Social Ties in Eugene, Oregon Local Food Distribution. Dutterer, online dissertations and theses by david madsen, Andrew Leadership Dynamics in Collaboration: Lessons from the Middle Fork John Day River Intensively Monitored Watershed Collaboration.

Hendricks, Lauren The Performance of Four Native Perennial Forb Species Along a Climate Gradient in Pacific Northwest Prairies. Jones, Deion American Jerk: Jamaican Foodways in the United States. Kristen, Alicia Wildkin: Mobile App Gameplay for Nature Connection Communities. Maggiulli, Katrina Going Feral: The Utopian Horror of Human-Animal Hybrids.

Reed, Jaleel Transit Development in Leimert Park, Los Angeles: The Specter of Gentrification and Community Capital as Leverage toward Transforming Redevelopment Projects. Shtob, Daniel Fluid Boundaries: The Social Construction and Memory of Future Catastrophic Environmental Risk in a Community on the Oregon Coast.

Stoll, Shannan Transforming Regulatory Processes: Karuk Participation in the Klamath River Total Maximum Daily Load TMDL Process. Torres, Christopher What is Ethics Without Justice? Reframing Environmental Ethics for Social Justice.

Au, Lokyee Planning for Injhustice: Online dissertations and theses by david madsen Case Study in Discourses on Environmental Online dissertations and theses by david madsen and State Rationale in the City of Eugene. Crayne, Jennifer Teaching Climate Change: Pressures and Practice in the Middle School Science Classroom. Gooch, Christina Food Studies Abroad: Identity, Consumption, and Learning in Italy. Elephants, Ecological Change, and the Contested Legacies of Conservation in the Kruger National Park.

Qiu, Wenhui Environmental Education Curricula for Middle School Students in Dalad County, Inner Mongolia, China.

Rommwatt, Maya The Impact of Hypoxia on the Louisiana Brown Shrimp Fishery and the Potential for the Public Trust Doctrine to Slow Nonpoint Source Pollution. Woodard, Allyson Most Delicate Shades: Digging for Relics in the High Desert. Knapp, Melanie Critical Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution. McDaniel, Gabriella Decolonizing Environmental Education: Personal Reflections and a Case Study from Northern Tanzania. Peach, Morgan Management Intensity Effects on Lawn Soil Carbon Content in the Eugene-Springfield, Oregon Urban Ecosystem.

Veazey, Ellen Liz A Place for the Long Haul: Land, Adult Environmental Education, and Sustainability at the Highlander Research and Education Center in Tennessee. Barger, Miles Preserving Absence: An Exploration of Trail-less Wilderness. Conley, Keats Settlement Preferences of the Sea Nettle Chrysaora Fuscescens, and the Socioeconomic Impacts of Jellyfish on Fishermen in the Northern California Current.

Havlik, Brooke Eating in Urban Frontiers: Alternative Food and Gentrification in Chicago. Linde, Alayna Technology Encounters Tradition: Evaluating the Water Pasteurization Indicator in China. Nienaber, Sara Invisible Scourge: What Bed Bugs and Propoxur Can Teach Us About Health and the Urban Environment.

Novick, Adam Risk to Maintenance-dependent Species from Orthodoxy in Species-based Land Use Regulation. Sanchirico, Emily Enhanced Institutions: Regional Trade Agreements and Climate Change Negotiation. Vinyeta, Kirsten A Cultural Snapshot: Exploring the Value of Community Photography for the Coquille Indian Tribe in a Climate Change Era.

Williams, Marissa Consumer Willingness to Pay for Transitional Organic Produce. Dockstader, Sue Engendering the Metabolic Rift: A Feminist Political Ecology of Agrofuels. Krell Rivera, Ignacio Unpacking Ethno-tourism: Development with Identity, Tourism, and Mapuche Struggles in South-central Chile. Maher, Dana Enhancing Group Process and Spatial Knowledge with Online dissertations and theses by david madsen Software Tools.

Northrop, Kory Facilitating Transportation Dialogue Using Data Visualization Online dissertations and theses by david madsen available online. Roddy, Chris Harvest of Pride: A Visual Narrative of Huerto de a Familia. Vable, Adhiraj A Financing Strategy for the Development of Financially Sustainable Social Enterprises. Veltri, Brandi Aspects of Successful Sustainable Development Programs with an Emphasis on Latin America: A Comparative Case Study.

Evers, Cody Impacts of Rural Residential Development on Drinking Water Quality: A Landscape Analysis in the Lower McKenzie Watershed. Peacher, Amanda The Place of the Turtle: Can Ecotourism and Sea Turtles Co-exist on the Mayan Riviera? Ridgeway, Julia Epstein Barr Virus and Market Integration in the Indigenous Shuar of Ecuadorian Amazonia.

Belanger, Kevin An Analysis of Walking and Biking Behavior in Suburban Multifamily Housing: A Case Study in Eugene, OR. Mason, Thomas Narratives and Reality for Tree Planting in Southern Malawi.

Stratton, John Chris University of Oregon Campus Sustainability Assessment Report available online, online dissertations and theses by david madsen.

Truce, William Earth, Atmosphere, Ammonia-oxidation: The Effects of Multifactorial Global Change Treatments on Ammonia-oxidizing Bacterial Community Biodiversity and Functioning in a Mediterranean Grassland Ecology. Chen, Chu Stakeholder Involvement and Public Outreach Strategies Identified from Watershed Councils in Oregon. Hoshaw, Robert The Contribution of Nature Writing to Ecological Awareness at the H. Andrews Experimental Forest.

Lee, Yeun-Wen Wen KNOW YOUR STUFF! Video available online. Fischetti, Diana Building Resistance from Home: EcoVillage at Ithaca as a Model of Sustainable Building. Menard, Nicole Evolution and Evaluation of a Non-governmental Organization in Southeastern Madagascar: A Case Study of Azafady.

Murphy, Meghan Edaphic Controls Over Succession in Former Oak Savanna, Willamette Valley, Oregon. Peterson, Matthew Protecting Homes from Wildfire: Reducing Structural Ignitability and Using Regulation in Community Wildfire Protection Plans. Tyman, Shannon Gunpowder Park: A Case Study of Post-Industrial Reinhabitation. Vynne, Stacy An Assessment of Rancher Perspectives on the Livestock Compensation Program for the Mexican Gray Wolf in the Southwestern United States. Barry, Coeylen A Business Plan for Sustainable Futures: Guiding Schools Toward a Brighter Tomorrow.

Doeffinger, Bari The Galapagos Islands: Stories of Human Adaptation. Jones, Christopher A Case Study of a Flood Plain Channel Restoration Project in the Southern Willamette Valley of Oregon.

Silver, Rebecca Coffee Consumers and Fair Trade Coffee: Attitudes and Actions for Social and Environmental Change. Carriere, Jason The Political Ecology of Sewage Sludge: The Collision of Science, Politics, and Human Values.

Kim, Beobjeong A Study on Emissions Trading System in Seoul, Korea: As Viewed from Experiences in the U. Mazze, Sarah Beyond Wilderness: Outdoor Education and the Transfer of Environmental Ethics.

Moore, Kathryn Conservation Easement Stewardship: A Pilot Program for the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board OWEB. Rudestam, Kirsten Facing Water Scarcity: A Study of Risk Perception, Identity, and Sense of Place in the Pacific Northwest. Hart, Philip Solomon Global Warming and Propaganda on Cable News: A Content Analysis of the Cable News Network and the Fox News Channel. Sakrejda, Krzysztof Placing Genetic Resources Conservation on Social Foundations: An Analysis of History and Online dissertations and theses by david madsen in the National Plant Germplasm System.

Hughes-Lieberman, Gretchen Caring for Creation: Investigating Faith-Based Environmentalism in Four Congregations. Hurley, Daniel M. Larios, Mary Connecting Communities and Conservation: Bringing Key Volunteers to Friends of Buford Park. MacQueen, Chaun M. Muxlow, Kimberly Lynn Is the Concept of Perpetuity in Conservation Easements Relevant? An Evaluation of Perpetual Restrictions on Privately Owned Land for Habitat Conservation with Conservation Easements.

Rodgers, Joanna Laurel Center for the Advancement of Sustainable Living CASL : Building the Foundation of a Campus and Community-based Organization. Bailey, Christine G. Case, Kerry F. Clausen, Rebecca J. Farrell, Andrew E.

Fiskio, Janet Elizabeth Descending into the Flesh: Exploring Embodied Knowledge, Nonhuman Agency, and Ecocritical Theory. Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Kristin Community-Based Collaboration in National Forest Management: Innovation and Constraint in Two Oregon Stewardship Contracting Pilots.

Moise, Ian Reed Sustainable Development and Economic Cultures: Does Individualism Undermine Ecology and Society? Tuxill, Stephanie Lynn Evaluating Public-Private Collaboration for Restoring Streamflows: A Case Study of the Deschutes Resources Conservancy. Williams, Sean Barnacastle Wild Chiasm: A Phenomenology of Wildness. Zukoski, Lee Anne Improving Public Participation in Forest Service Online dissertations and theses by david madsen.

Oral Research Presentations and Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation

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online dissertations and theses by david madsen

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