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, time: 7:46A for and against essay about the internet | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council

The internet has removed all communication barriers. The internet has taken away our personal freedom because of the internet, we know everything about everyone at any given moment. With the increasing number of people using the internet, people personal freedom is limited. The key concern about the Internet is privacy Jun 18, · Internet Essay in English: The essay on Internet is a useful tool to educate students about the benefits and dangers of the Internet. The Internet is also a tool that we cannot avoid in this day and age. Nearly every aspect of our lives, from social interaction to learning and education, is performed through the Internet The most serious disadvantage of internet is the no security, because there isn't privacy and you don't know the person behind the screen, so it can be whoever. Another negative aspect of this argument is the waste of time, because we spend a lot of time for unnecessary things
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