Aug 16, · What Make Me Happy Essay. Happiness is a thought of as the good life, freedom from suffering, flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity and pleasure. For me happiness is sport, friendship, relationship, love, family, and almost everything else. Many people say that happiness is not money. But for me is not just like that.5/5(1) I am happy when I devote myself to God in everything I do and being his instrument in doing helping others. Moreover, I find happiness when I’m in love. Generally speaking, love doesn’t only end in an intimate relationship but, it conquers us blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Happiness is a reaction to actions that happen to a person. Consequently, happiness is a person’s positive attitude to the life in general and to some certain moments in the life in particular. A human being cannot be happy all the time. In general, happiness is unstable and everyone has its Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Essay on What makes you Happy
Being happy is a feeling that each and every human being wants. There is nothing wrong in being happy, do what makes you happy essay. As a matter of fact, a person should be happy to have a healthy life. There are different people, animals or pets and things that make a person happy. Each and every human being has different things in which they found happiness. Happiness is a feeling that money cannot ever buy.
Happiness makes a person want to smile always, do what makes you happy essay. There are no words that can describe the feeling of happiness properly. It is something that can only be felt by someone. Sometimes the emotion happiness comes out from the eyes in the form of tears.
These tears are called as happy tears. In my life there are a lot of do what makes you happy essay that makes me happy starting with my family, friends and ends with many non-living thing. I respect each and every thing that makes me happy. However there are two particular things that make me happy the most.
Those two things are listening to music while going for a long walk all by myself. It is weird that these two seemingly unimportant things can give me happiness beyond imagination. But for me these two things are something I treasure from the bottom of my heart and are very important to me. Music is something that refreshes my mind and keeps me in peace where as walking always calms me down and keeps me relaxed. When I combine walking and listening to music, I am left with relaxed body and refreshed mind which helps me waltz through my day with absolute ease.
Music has always been there. Music can be of different kinds and people can twist music the way they please and create a song.
Music has no particular tunes. Different people give different tunes and all of them are music. I do what makes you happy essay the way people play with tunes and turn them into something amazing that we call song, do what makes you happy essay. These songs are what refresh my mind.
Songs are beautiful melodies that are created by people. Every people love songs but not the same songs as people have do what makes you happy essay types of taste in music.
The kinds of songs that I like are slow songs where the melody is soothing and the lyrics are meaningful. The soothing music is capable of even calming down an angry animal. That is why I like music the most. Listening to music sometimes makes me feel like it is cleansing my soul. Walking is good for health. A long walk relaxes my body. It makes me feel free of bounds. While walking I can feel the scenery around me. I enjoy walking very much, do what makes you happy essay.
Walking is also a good exercise do what makes you happy essay it keeps my body in shape without working out. While walking my mind wander off to different directions. I get lost in my thoughts often. I think about the problems in my life while walking and walking helps me to make decision in cool and calm mind and free from pressure. Making important decisions while a person is in a relaxed state, makes the decision important as while the person is relaxed, he or she is free from all the tensions and external pressures and thinks about all the pros and cons of the decision thoroughly before taking it.
This helps me in creating a balance in my life. When I mix music and walking together, I find true peace. Spending time with me has been a benefit in my case.
So, I find some time out from my busy schedule to relax and to spend some time with myself. Normally, it is not possible for me to relax so I use walking and music to relax. Whenever I go for a walk to take a break, Do what makes you happy essay listen to music and I am in a hill station and am walking barefoot in a field which is filled with soft grass and the weather is just perfect that is not too warm neither too cold, do what makes you happy essay.
When I think this, I can almost feel the grass underneath my feet. Yes, all of this is my imagination but this feels me with such happiness that no words will be able to describe that feeling. Music always soothes me and in my imagination it acts like a back ground soft sound that is emitted throughout the hill to make me addicted to that feeling. This is how it relaxes my mind and body. It is really difficult for me to relax my mind but walking and music has done that for me.
Going for a walk while listening to music every day, has a positive effect on my mind and soul. It makes me happy and allows me to stay calm throughout the whole day, do what makes you happy essay. Each day I look forward to the time that I can spend all by myself by taking a break from the busy schedule.
As I mentioned above, the time I spend with myself only happen when the combination of walking and music happens. It makes me happy specially when I lose myself in the music of the song and think that I am visiting a hill station for a short break. This is how I release all my frustration and pent up energy.
The music flows throughout my body like water and relaxes my muscles too. It has become an addiction for me and has good effects for my body too. I will advice everyone to find the thing that makes them happy and while do what makes you happy essay are happy, you are always in a relaxed state which effects the body and brain positively.
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Do What Makes YOU Happy - Alan Watts
, time: 1:54What Makes You Happy? Free Essay Sample

Feb 03, · Personally, there are three main things that make me happy at this point: family, love, and true friends. First of all, my family makes me feel happy. My family is a safe harbor where I can be myself. It is not necessary for me to explain myself to my family because only they truly know who I am Aug 16, · What Make Me Happy Essay. Happiness is a thought of as the good life, freedom from suffering, flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity and pleasure. For me happiness is sport, friendship, relationship, love, family, and almost everything else. Many people say that happiness is not money. But for me is not just like that.5/5(1) Happiness is a reaction to actions that happen to a person. Consequently, happiness is a person’s positive attitude to the life in general and to some certain moments in the life in particular. A human being cannot be happy all the time. In general, happiness is unstable and everyone has its Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
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