Mar 21, · How to write a discussion section. Published on 21 March by Shona McCombes. Revised on 2 September The discussion chapter is where you delve into the meaning, importance and relevance of your should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to your literature review and research questions, and making an argument in support of your Dissertation Literature Review: Sample Literature Review Introduction This chapter provides a review of the literature and secondary data that already exists in relation to corporate performance management and monitoring, the various software systems that relate to this, and how they can be applied to SME’s the Open University of Tanzania a dissertation entitled and failures in Mathematics were, 70%, 77% and 76% respectively. 3 Report by HakiElimu (), identified general performance of the year that about % of the students scored division zero, in the year failure increased
How to Write a Discussion Section | Checklist and Examples
Purposive sampling, also known as judgmentalselective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the researcher [see our articles: Non-probability sampling to learn more dissertation failures non-probability sampling, and Sampling: The basicsfor an introduction to terms such as unitscases and sampling dissertation failures. There are a number of different types of purposive sampling, each with different goals.
This article explains a what purposive sampling is, b the dissertation failures of the different types of purposive sampling, c how to create a purposive sample, and d the broad advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling. Purposive sampling represents a group of different non-probability sampling techniques, dissertation failures. Also known as judgmentalselective or subjective sampling, purposive sampling relies on the judgement of the researcher when it comes to selecting the units e.
Usually, the sample being investigated is quite small, especially when compared with probability sampling techniques. Unlike the various sampling techniques that can be used under probability sampling e. This is the general intent of research that is guided by a quantitative research design. The main goal of purposive sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of a population that are of interest, which will best enable you to answer your research questions. The sample being studied is not representative of the population, but for researchers pursuing qualitative or mixed methods research designsthis is not considered to be a weakness.
Rather, dissertation failures, it is a choice, the purpose of which varies depending on the type of purposing sampling technique that is used, dissertation failures. For example, in homogeneous samplingdissertation failures, units are selected based on their having similar characteristics because such characteristics are dissertation failures particular interested to the researcher.
By contrast, critical case sampling is frequently used in exploratoryqualitative research in order to assess whether the phenomenon of interest even exists amongst other reasons. During the course of a qualitative or mixed methods research designmore than one type of purposive sampling technique may be used. For example, critical case dissertation failures may be used to investigate whether a phenomenon dissertation failures worth investigating further, dissertation failures, before adopting a maximum variation sampling technique is used to develop a wider picture of the phenomenon.
We explain the different goals of these types of purposive sampling technique in the next section. There are a wide range of purposive sampling techniques that you can use see Patton,; Kuzel,dissertation failures, for a complete list. Each of these types of purposive sampling technique dissertation failures discussed in turn:. Maximum variation sampling, also known as heterogeneous samplingdissertation failures, is a purposive sampling technique used to capture a wide range of perspectives relating to the thing that you are interested in studying; that is, maximum variation sampling is a search for variation in perspectives, ranging from those conditions that are view to be typical through to those that are more extreme in nature.
By conditionsdissertation failures, we mean the units i. Dissertation failures units may exhibit a wide range of attributes, behaviours, experiences, incidents, qualities, situations, and so dissertation failures. The basic principle behind maximum variation sampling is to gain greater insights into a phenomenon by looking at it from all angles.
This can often help the researcher to identify common themes that are evident across the sample, dissertation failures. Homogeneous sampling is a purposive sampling technique that aims to achieve dissertation failures homogeneous sample; that is, a sample whose units e. share the same or very similar characteristics or traits e. In this respect, homogeneous sampling is the opposite of maximum variation sampling. A homogeneous sample is often chosen when the research question that is being address is specific to the characteristics of the particular group of interest, which is subsequently examined in detail.
The word typical does not mean that the sample is representative in the sense of probability sampling i, dissertation failures. Rather, the word typical means that the researcher has the ability to compare the findings from a study using typical case sampling with other similar samples i, dissertation failures. Therefore, with typical case sampling, you cannot use the sample to make generalisations to a population, but the sample could be illustrative dissertation failures other similar samples.
Whilst typical case sampling can be used exclusively, it may also follow another type of purposive sampling technique, dissertation failures, such as maximum variation sampling, which can help to act as an exploratory sampling strategy to identify the typical cases that are subsequently selected. Extreme or deviant case sampling is a type of purposive sampling that is used to focus on cases that are special or unusualtypically in the sense that the cases highlight notable outcomesfailures or successes.
These extreme or deviant cases are useful because they often provide significant insight into a particular phenomenon, which can act as lessons or cases of best practice that guide future research and practice.
In some cases, dissertation failures, extreme or deviant case sampling is thought to reflect the purest form of insight into the phenomenon being studied. Critical case sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is particularly useful in exploratory qualitative research, research with limited resourcesas well as research where a single case or small number of cases can be decisive in explaining the phenomenon of interest, dissertation failures.
It is this decisive aspect of critical case sampling that is arguably the most important. To know if a case is decisive, think about the following statements:? If it happens there, it dissertation failures happen anywhere? if it doesn? t happen there, it won? t happen anywhere? If that group is having problems, then we can be sure all the groups are having problems? Patton, dissertation failures, dissertation failures, p, dissertation failures.
Whilst such critical cases should not be used to make statistical generalisationsit can be argued dissertation failures they can help in making logical generalisations, dissertation failures. However, such logical generalisations should be made carefully. Total population sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique where you choose to examine the entire population i.
In such cases, dissertation failures, the entire population is often chosen because the size of the population that has the particular set of characteristics that you are interest in is very small. Therefore, if a small number of units i. were not included in the sample that is investigated, it may be felt that a significant piece of the puzzle was missing [see the article, dissertation failures, Total population samplingto learn more].
Expert sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is used when your research needs to glean knowledge from individuals that have particular expertise. This expertise may be required during the exploratory phase of qualitative research, highlighting potential new areas of interest or opening doors to other participants.
Alternately, the particular expertise that is being investigated may form the basis of your research, requiring a focus only on individuals with such specific expertise. Expert sampling is particularly useful where there is a lack of empirical evidence in an area and high levels of uncertainty, as well as situations where it may take a long period of time before the findings from research can be uncovered.
Therefore, dissertation failures, expert sampling is a cornerstone of a research design known as expert elicitation, dissertation failures. Whilst dissertation failures of the different types of purposive sampling has its own advantages and disadvantages, there are some broad advantages and disadvantages to using purposive sampling, which are discussed below.
There are a wide range of qualitative research designs that researchers can draw on. Achieving the goals of such qualitative research designs requires different types of sampling strategy and sampling technique. One of the major benefits of purposive sampling is the wide range of sampling techniques that can be used across such qualitative research designs; purposive sampling techniques that range from homogeneous sampling through to critical case samplingexpert samplingand more, dissertation failures.
However, since each of these types of purposive sampling differs in terms of the nature and ability to make generalisations, you dissertation failures read the articles on each of these purposive sampling techniques to understand their relative advantages. Qualitative research designs can involve multiple phases, with each phase building on the previous one.
In such instances, different types of sampling technique may be required at each phase, dissertation failures. Purposive sampling is useful in these instances because it provides a wide range of non-probability sampling techniques for the researcher to draw on. For example, critical case sampling may be used to investigate whether a phenomenon is worth investigating further, before adopting an expert sampling dissertation failures to examine specific issues further.
Purposive samples, irrespective of the type dissertation failures purposive sampling used, can be highly prone to researcher bias. The idea that a purposive sample has been created based on the judgement of the researcher is not a good defence when it comes to alleviating possible researcher biases, especially when compared with probability sampling techniques that are designed to reduce such biases.
However, this judgemental, subjective component of purpose sampling is only a major disadvantage when such judgements are ill-conceived or poorly considered ; that is, where judgements have not been based on clear criteria, whether a theoretical framework, expert elicitation, dissertation failures, or some other accepted criteria. The subjectivity and non-probability based nature of unit selection i. in purposive sampling means that it can be difficult to defend the representativeness of the sample.
In other words, it can be difficult to convince the reader that the judgement you used to select units to study was appropriate. After all, if different units had been selected, would the results and any generalisations have been the same? Purposive sampling Purposive sampling, also known as judgmentalselective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique.
Purposive sampling explained Types of purposive sampling Advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling. Purposive sampling explained Purposive sampling represents a group of different non-probability sampling techniques.
Types of purposive sampling There are a wide range of purposive sampling techniques that you can use see Patton,; Kuzel,dissertation failures, for a complete list. Maximum variation sampling Homogeneous sampling Typical case sampling Extreme or deviant case sampling Critical case sampling Total population sampling Expert sampling. Maximum variation sampling Maximum variation sampling, also known as heterogeneous samplingis a purposive sampling technique used dissertation failures capture a wide range of perspectives relating to the thing that you are interested in studying; that is, maximum dissertation failures sampling is a search for variation in perspectives, ranging from those conditions that are view to be typical through to those that are more extreme in nature.
Homogeneous sampling Homogeneous sampling is a purposive sampling technique that aims to achieve a homogeneous sample; that is, a sample whose units e. Extreme or deviant case sampling Extreme or deviant case sampling is a type of purposive sampling that is used dissertation failures focus on cases that are special or unusualtypically in the sense that the cases highlight notable dissertation failuresfailures or successes. Critical case sampling Critical case sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is particularly useful in dissertation failures qualitative research, research with limited resourcesas well as research where a single case or small number of cases can be decisive in explaining the phenomenon of interest.
Total population sampling Total population sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique where you choose to examine the entire population i.
Expert sampling Expert sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is used when your research needs to glean knowledge from individuals that have particular expertise. Advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling Whilst each of the different types of purposive sampling has its own advantages and disadvantages, there are some broad advantages and disadvantages to using purposive sampling, dissertation failures, which are discussed below.
Advantages of purposive sampling There are a wide range of qualitative research designs that researchers can draw on. Disadvantages of purposive sampling Purposive samples, irrespective of the type of dissertation failures sampling used, can be highly prone to researcher bias.
Research paper \
, time: 42:19Fielding Dissertation: CHAPTER 5: Representational State Transfer (REST)

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Argosy University/Sarasota In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor in Business Administration by universities in Puerto Rico investigated if there were many failures in the first accounting course. It also analyzed students’ perceptions on internal and external Purposive sampling. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the researcher [see our articles: Non-probability sampling to learn more about non-probability sampling, and Sampling: The Mar 21, · How to write a discussion section. Published on March 21, by Shona McCombes. Revised on October 13, The discussion chapter is where you delve into the meaning, importance and relevance of your should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to your literature review and research questions, and making an argument in support of your
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