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Chaucer essay

Chaucer essay

chaucer essay

Welcome to the new website for the New Chaucer Society! We hope you'll enjoy our updated features, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to improve the website. We invite all continuing and new members to join or renew your membership. To receive your volume of Studies in the Age of Chaucer, please register by Friday, October 22, Geoffrey Chaucer was born between the years , the son of John and Agnes (de Copton) Chaucer. Chaucer was descended from two generations of wealthy vintners who had everything but a title and in Chaucer began pursuing a position at court. As a squire in the court of Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster, the wife of Lionel, Earl of Ulster (later Duke of Clarence), Chaucer would have Chaucer School Instructional scaffolding noun a learning process designed to promote a deeper level of learning. The zone of proximal development, often abbreviated as ZPD, is the difference between what a draw an illustrated essay in comic-style form, create a slideshow “essay” with text and images, or deliver an oral presentation)

Geoffrey Chaucer - Canterbury Tale, Books & Poems - Biography

Widely considered the greatest English poet of the Middle Ageshe is best known for The Canterbury Tales. He maintained a career in the civil service as a bureaucratcourtierdiplomat, and member of parliament.

Among Chaucer's many other works are The Book of the DuchessThe House of FameThe Legend of Good Womenand Troilus and Criseyde. He is seen as crucial in legitimising the literary use of Middle English when the dominant literary languages in England were still French and Latin, chaucer essay. His contemporary Thomas Hoccleve hailed Chaucer as "the firste fyndere of our fair langage". Almost chaucer essay thousand English words are first attested to Chaucer essay manuscripts.

Chaucer was born in London most likely in the early s by some accounts, including chaucer essay monument, he was born inthough the precise date and location remain unknown. The Chaucer family offers an extraordinary example of upward mobility. His great-grandfather was a tavern keeper, chaucer essay, his grandfather worked chaucer essay a purveyor of wines, and his father John Chaucer rose to become an important wine merchant with a royal appointment.

His family name is derived from the French chausseurmeaning " shoemaker ". Inhis father John Chaucer chaucer essay kidnapped by an aunt in the hope of marrying the year-old to her daughter in an attempt to keep property in Ipswich. The aunt was imprisoned and fined £, now equivalent to about £, chaucer essay, which suggests that the family was financially secure.

John Chaucer married Agnes Copton, who inherited properties inincluding 24 shops in London from her uncle Hamo de Copton, who is described in a will dated 3 April and listed in the City Hustings Roll as "moneyer", said to be a moneyer at the Tower of London.

In the City Hustings Roll5, Ric II, chaucer essay, dated JuneChaucer refers to himself as me Galfridum Chaucer, chaucer essay, filium Johannis Chaucer, Vinetarii, Londoniechaucer essay, which translates as: "Geoffrey Chaucer, son of the vintner John Chaucer, London".

While records concerning the lives of his contemporaries William Langland and the Pearl Poet are practically non-existent, since Chaucer was a public servant his official life is chaucer essay well documented, with nearly five hundred written chaucer essay testifying to his career. The first chaucer essay the "Chaucer Life Records" appears inin the household accounts of Elizabeth de Burghthe Countess of Ulsterwhen he became the noblewoman's page through his father's connections, [10] a common medieval form of apprenticeship for boys into knighthood or prestige appointments.

The countess was married to Lionel, chaucer essay, Duke of Clarencethe second surviving son of the king, Edward IIIand the position brought the teenage Chaucer into the close court circle, chaucer essay, where he was to remain for the rest of his life. He also worked as a courtier, a diplomat, and a civil servant, as well as working for the king from to as Clerk of the King's Works. Inthe early stages of the Hundred Years' WarEdward III invaded France and Chaucer travelled with Lionel of Chaucer essay, 1st Duke of ClarenceElizabeth's husband, as part of the English army.

Inhe was captured during the siege of Chaucer essay. Edward paid £16 for his ransom, chaucer essay, chaucer essay a considerable sum equivalent to £11, inchaucer essay, [13] and Chaucer was released.

After this, chaucer essay, Chaucer's life is uncertain, but he seems to have travelled in France, Spain, and Flanderspossibly as a messenger and perhaps even going on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. AroundChaucer married Philippa de Roet.

She was a lady-in-waiting to Edward III's queen, Philippa of Hainaultand a sister of Katherine Swynfordwho chaucer essay c. It is uncertain how many children Chaucer and Philippa had, but three or four are most commonly cited. His son, chaucer essay, Thomas Chaucerhad an illustrious career, as chief butler to four kings, envoy to France, and Speaker of the House of Commons. Thomas's daughter, Alicechaucer essay, married the Duke of Suffolk. Thomas's great-grandson Geoffrey's great-great-grandsonJohn de la Pole, Earl of Lincolnwas the heir to the throne designated by Richard III before he was deposed.

Chaucer essay other children probably included Elizabeth Chaucy, chaucer essay, a nun at Barking Abbeychaucer essay, [14] [15] Agnes, an attendant at Henry IV 's coronation; and another son, Lewis Chaucer. Chaucer's "Treatise on the Astrolabe" was written for Lewis. According to tradition, Chaucer studied law in the Inner Temple an Inn of Court at this time. He became a member of the royal court of Edward III as a valet de chambreyeomanor esquire on 20 Junea position which could entail a wide variety of chaucer essay. His wife also received a pension for court employment.

He travelled abroad many times, at least some of them in his role as a valet. Inhe may have attended the wedding of Lionel of Antwerp to Violante Viscontichaucer essay, daughter of Galeazzo II Viscontiin Milan.

Two other literary stars of the era were in attendance: Jean Froissart and Petrarch. Around this time, Chaucer is believed to have written The Book of the Duchess in honour of Blanche of Lancasterthe late wife of John of Gaunt, who died in of the plague.

Chaucer travelled chaucer essay Picardy the next year as part of a military expedition; in he visited Genoa and Florence. Numerous scholars such as Skeat, chaucer essay, Boitani, and Rowland [18] suggested that, on this Italian trip, he came into contact with Petrarch or Boccaccio.

They introduced him to medieval Italian poetrythe forms and stories of which he would use later. Later documents suggest it was a mission, along with Jean Froissart, to arrange a marriage between the future King Richard II and a French princess, thereby ending the Hundred Years War.

If this was the purpose of their trip, they seem to have been unsuccessful, as no wedding occurred. InRichard II sent Chaucer as an envoy secret dispatch to the Visconti and to Sir John HawkwoodEnglish condottiere mercenary leader in Milan. It has been speculated that it was Hawkwood on whom Chaucer based his chaucer essay the Knight in the Canterbury Talesfor a description matches that of a 14th-century condottiere.

A possible indication that his career chaucer essay a writer was appreciated came when Edward III granted Chaucer "a gallon chaucer essay wine daily for the rest of his life" for some unspecified task. This was an unusual grant, but given on a day of celebration, St George's Day, when artistic chaucer essay were traditionally rewarded, it is assumed to have been another early poetic work. It is not known which, if chaucer essay, of Chaucer's extant works prompted the reward, but the suggestion of him as poet to a king places him as a precursor to later poets laureate.

Chaucer continued to collect the liquid stipend until Richard II came to power, after which it was converted to a monetary grant on 18 April Chaucer obtained the very substantial job of comptroller of the customs for the port of London, which he began on 8 June His life goes undocumented for much of the next ten years, but it is believed that he wrote or began most of his famous works during this period.

He was mentioned in law papers of 4 Mayinvolved in the raptus rape or chaucer essay of Cecilia Chaumpaigne. It is not known if Chaucer was in the City of London at the time of the Peasants' Revoltbut if he was, he would have seen its leaders pass almost directly under his apartment window at Aldgate. While still working as comptroller, Chaucer appears to have moved to Kentbeing appointed as one of the commissioners of peace for Kent, at a time when French invasion was a possibility.

He is thought to have started work on The Canterbury Tales in the early s, chaucer essay. He also became a member of parliament for Kent inand attended the ' Wonderful Parliament ' that year.

He appears to have been present at most of the 71 days it sat, for which he was paid £24 9s. He chaucer essay the political upheavals caused by the Lords Appellantsdespite the fact that Chaucer knew some of the men executed over the affair quite well.

On 12 JulyChaucer was appointed the clerk of the king's worksa sort of foreman organising most of the king's building projects. George's Chapel, Windsorcontinued building the wharf at the Tower of Londonand built the stands chaucer essay a tournament held in It may have been a difficult job, chaucer essay, but it paid well: two shillings a day, more than three times his salary as a comptroller.

Chaucer was also appointed keeper of the lodge at the King's park in Feckenham Forest in Worcestershirechaucer essay, which was a chaucer essay honorary appointment. In Septemberrecords say that Chaucer was robbed and possibly injured while conducting the business, and he stopped working in this capacity on 17 June He began as Deputy Forester in the royal forest of Petherton Park in North PethertonSomerset on 22 June.

Richard II granted him an annual pension of 20 pounds chaucer essay equivalent to chaucer essay, in[29] and Chaucer's name fades from the historical record not long after Richard's overthrow in The last few records of his life show his pension renewed by chaucer essay new king, and his taking a lease on a residence within the close of Westminster Abbey on 24 December The last mention of Chaucer is on 5 June when some debts owed to him were repaid.

Chaucer died of unknown causes on 25 Octoberalthough the only evidence for this date comes from the engraving on his tomb which was erected more than years after his death. There is some speculation [31] that he was murdered by enemies of Richard II or even on the orders of his successor Henry IV, but the case is entirely circumstantial. Chaucer was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, chaucer essay was his right owing to his status as a tenant of the Abbey's close.

Inhis chaucer essay were transferred to a more ornate tomb, making him the first writer interred in the area now known as Poets' Corner. Chaucer was a close friend of John of Gauntthe wealthy Duke of Lancaster and father of Henry IVand he served under Lancaster's patronage, chaucer essay. Near the end of their lives, Lancaster and Chaucer became brothers-in-law when Lancaster married Katherine Swynford de Roet in ; she was the sister of Philippa Pan de Roetwhom Chaucer had married in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess also known as the Deeth of Blaunche the Duchesse [33] was written in commemoration of Blanche of Lancasterchaucer essay, John of Gaunt's first wife.

The phrase "long castel" is a reference to Lancaster also called "Loncastel" and "Longcastell""walles white" is thought to be an oblique reference to Blanche, "Seynt Johan" was John of Gaunt's name-saint, and "ryche hil" is a reference to Richmond.

These references reveal the identity of the chaucer essay black knight of the poem as John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Earl of Richmond. Chaucer's short poem Fortunebelieved to have been written in the s, is also thought to refer to Lancaster. Fortunein turn, does not understand Chaucer's harsh words to her for she believes that she has been kind to him, claims that he does not know what she has in store for him in the future, but most importantly, "And eek thou hast thy beste frend alyve" 32, chaucer essay, 40, Chaucer retorts, "My frend maystow nat reven, blind goddesse" 50 and orders her to take away those who merely pretend to be his friends.

The three princes are believed to represent the dukes of Lancaster, Yorkand Gloucesterand a portion of line 76 "as three of you or tweyne" is thought to refer to the ordinance of which specified that no royal gift could be authorised chaucer essay the consent of at least two of the three dukes. Most conspicuous in this short poem is the number of references to Chaucer's "beste frend", chaucer essay.

Fortune states three times in her response to the plaintiff, "And also, you still have your best friend alive" 32, chaucer essay, 40, 48 ; she also refers to his "beste frend" in the envoy when appealing to his "noblesse" to help Chaucer to a higher estate.

The narrator makes a fifth reference when he rails at Fortune that she shall not take his friend from him. Chaucer's attitudes toward the Church should not be confused with his attitudes toward Christianity. He seems to have respected and admired Christians and to have been one himself, though he also recognised that many people in the church were venal and corrupt. Chaucer's first major work was The Chaucer essay of the Duchessan elegy for Blanche of Lancaster who died in Two other early works were Anelida and Arcite and The House of Fame.

He wrote many of his major works in a prolific chaucer essay when he held the job of customs comptroller for London to His Parlement of FoulesThe Legend of Good Womenchaucer essay, and Troilus and Criseyde all date from this time.

It is believed that he started The Canterbury Tales in the s. Chaucer also translated Boethius ' Consolation of Philosophy and The Romance of the Rose by Guillaume de Lorris extended by Jean de Meun, chaucer essay.

Eustache Deschamps called himself a "nettle in Chaucer's garden of poetry". InThomas Usk made glowing mention of Chaucer, and John Gower also chaucer essay him. Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe describes the form and use of the chaucer essay in detail and is sometimes cited as the first example of technical writing in the English language, chaucer essay, and it indicates that Chaucer was versed in science in addition to his literary talents.

Chaucer wrote in continental accentual-syllabic metrea style which had developed in English literature since around the 12th century as an alternative to the alliterative Chaucer essay metre. His early influence as a satirist is also important, with the common humorous device, the funny accent of a regional dialectapparently making its first appearance in The Reeve's Tale.

The poetry of Chaucer, chaucer essay, along with other writers of the era, is credited with helping to standardise the London Dialect of the Middle English language from a combination of the Kentish and Chaucer essay dialects. Modern English is somewhat distanced from the language of Chaucer's poems owing to the effect of the Great Vowel Shift some time after his death.

This change in the pronunciation of English, still not fully understood, chaucer essay, makes the reading of Chaucer difficult for the modern audience. The status of the final -e in Chaucer's verse is uncertain: it seems likely that during the period of Chaucer's writing the final -e was dropping out of colloquial English and that its use was somewhat irregular, chaucer essay.

The Canterbury Tales - Summary \u0026 Analysis - Geoffrey Chaucer

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Geoffrey Chaucer - Wikipedia

chaucer essay

Nov 04,  · I’ve always taken the view that the world doesn’t need another essay on Chaucer by me, but there are things I can do in college that are more important.” Of course, what is usually a very busy job – dividing the time between lecturing and the endless demands of college like organising formals, attending Senate meetings, and working with Nov 22,  · Essay on hygiene practices in school stern college essay, essay on blessing of science:: a essay Age chaucer essay of memoir educated how to write an argumentative essay grade Narrative essay about an unusual event behavior essay pdf essay mindmap Well, different Canterbury tales character descriptions show that each character plays a role in the featured stories. This analysis features the main characters in Canterbury tales. Don’t hesitate to use for your book report or essay. The Major Canterbury Tales Characters. Chaucer. Chaucer is the narrator

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